Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit VIII-Assessment

Unit VIII-Assessment

Q Provide a summary of at least one of the careers discussed in this unit. Utilizing materials in this unit, provide a summary of the correctional populations of two other countries. How do these compare to the populations in the United States

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Correctional officers are also known as detention officers who does administer the other individuals who might have been imprisoned and would likely be held up to the trial process or may have been condemned of committing crime and are now serving a sentence for a particular time period in jail. Correctional officers does achieve certain important experiences which they might promote further to some, may be advanced positions like supervisors or may it be the roles and responsibilities of an administrator. Usually correctional officers are characteristically recruited by a county, state or may be by any federal agencies like for example Federal Bureau of Prisons ("What is a Correctional Officer", 2019).